Business Skills and Productivity Courses2020-12-02T12:48:45+00:00

Work Productivity & Practical Skills Training

Systems and procedures underpin an organisation’s ability to get the job done – the nuts and bolts which keep the operation running smoothly.

InterCHANGE: Tailored Practical Business Skills Training

Our comprehensive range of business skills training – including project and financial management, business planning, fundraising, time and workload management and administration skills – develops employee’s confidence and ability to contribute to their organisation’s growth and prosperity.

Developing efficient and healthy working practices and helping your team take care of themselves leads to a healthy and sustainable organisation.

We are now delivering our courses via Zoom. We have had a great response to this method and it means you can continue your business and personal development. We are happy to answer any queries that you may have about the delivery. Please get in touch for more details.

Business Skills & Productivity Training

Tailored Productivity & Business Finance  Skills Training Courses

Productivity & Practical Skills Training Courses

Project & Business Finance Management and Understanding Funding Courses

The InterCHANGE Blog


May 5th, 2020|0 Comments

Mindfulness By Catherine Hamilton and  Karen Tidsall Mindfulness is the awareness, which arises through bringing your full attention into the present moment without judgement, without the mind commentating.  Mindfulness is about coming [...]
