by Marisa Angelillo, InterCHANGE Associate 
Interviewing is a two-way process and it is important that the interviewee finds out as much as possible about your job, so that they can make the right decision. 
Make sure you are prepared, you have read the CV/application form, you have your interview questions, you have chosen a quiet room to talk to your interviewee and the other members of your team know someone is coming for an interview. 
Prepare the interview room/space. Try and make sure it is tidy and welcoming. Try not to sit directly opposite your interviewee, but arrange to sit at right angles to them, or just to one side. Take some time to build rapport with them. Offer them a cup of tea or coffee, ask them about their journey and generally make time to help them to relax. 
Get them to talk through their career history. This is a good technique to help candidates to gain a bit of confidence because it is something they know about! Ask them questions as they go along and make any necessary notes. 
Go to your prepared set of interview questions – these should be prepared in advance and based on the person specification you have prepared. There should also be space next to the questions for you to make your notes. Make sure you ask each candidate the same question. This will make it much easier for you to decide who to employ. 
Make your questions, short and as simple as possible. Rambling questions with lots of sub clauses just confuse candidates and don’t get you the answers you need!Ask your interviewee to call on their own experience. For example ask ‘can you describe a stressful situation and how you handled it’, this is better than asking ‘we frequently have customers who complain about the quality of our food. Can you tell me how you would deal with that?’ Past behaviour is a better predictor of future performance than answers to hypothetical questions. 
Use a wide variety of questioning techniques, open, reflective and probing are best. Closed questions are good for checking facts and for moving on to the next stage. 
Listen attentively. Pay attention to the tone of voice and listen out for what they are ‘not’ saying too. Make notes discreetly and show them you are listening by nodding your head, smiling etc. 
Do not be put off by first impressions. You may find some characteristics off-putting, but these may be immaterial as far as your vacancy is concerned. It is easy to be impressed by outgoing people who smile a lot, but does your job really require these skills? 
Ask your interviewee if they have any questions, explain any other parts of the selection process and check that the candidate is still interested in the job. 
Thank them for coming for the interview and show them round if applicable. 
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