Sita Costigan2021-01-28T14:33:03+00:00

Sita Costigan

Wellbeing Coach and Meditation Facilitator

Exploring engaging methods of communicating with audiences has been core to my 20 years working within the environmental and conservation sector. I specialise in combining visual,  written and spoken communication with hands on activities to explore topics and create meaningful experiences. The audience is always my first consideration when tailoring communication,  whether  for school children, senior volunteers, or grant funders.

Working principally with charitable organisations,  I have gained significant experience  supporting volunteers through their journey with an organisation.

With stress a major concern in the workplace and for individuals,  I am delighted to be able to offer HeartMath techniques.  These meditative practices help people rewire the pathways in the brain to experience more regenerative emotions. The benefits are immediate as the practices draw the heartbeat into a coherent rhythm, soothing our system.  With ongoing practice we can reduce the effects of the negativity bias- a tendency to focus on the bad things in life- and spend more time in our parasympathetic nervous system.  From this place, we can be more productive,  creative and communicate more effectively.  The theory and techniques can be taught remotely. Where we are able to meet in person, we can use HeartMath technology to gather biofeedback- a tangible way of monitoring our influence over the heartbeat rhythm.

My qualifications include an honours degree in Spanish and Linguistics and  MA in Heritage Interpretation Presentation and Design. I have completed 100hr foundation Heart of Living Yoga Teacher Training, Heartmath Clinical Practitioner Certification and Yale University’s positive psychology Science of Wellbeing module.

I am known for my enthusiasm, dedication and creativity.  At home I am happiest out in the garden or roaming around the countryside, enjoying the benefits of time spent in nature.
