Yvonne Dowie-Shosanya2017-08-15T11:53:55+00:00

Yvonne Dowie-Shosanya

Business Skills Trainer

yvonne-dowie-shosanya-business-skills-trainer-profileYvonne has worked as a facilitator and consultant for over 20 years.  A core theme threading through the whole of her career is Equality and Diversity and People Development.  She has a passion for wanting to raise awareness and inform others which often opens people to work positively with difference and commit to continuous learning.

Approach to facilitation and training

Yvonne’s style of facilitation is inclusive, focussed and lively which promotes participation,  collective awareness and understanding. She draws on a deep well of knowledge and experience which flows into every aspect of her facilitation and training work. She is able to integrate confidence with humility and authenticity. This often results in others opening into their own journey of discovery, becoming more self aware and sensitive to other people’s needs. These qualities are particularly important in the areas of People Development and Equality and Diversity.

Training programmes designed and delivered

  • Assertiveness and dealing with difficult situations
  • Cross Cultural Communication
  • Emotional & Political Intelligence
  • Equality & Diversity Awareness
  • Equality Schemes
  • Leadership Development
  • Management Development for Black & Minority Ethnic Staff (Positive Action Training)
  • Managing Equality & Diversity
  • Performance management and appraisal training
  • Recruitment and Selection
  • Trainer Training


Yvonne is a qualified MBTi practitioner, holds a Redwood Diploma in Equality, Diversity and Oppression and a Certificate to teach English as a second language.  She is also a Community Lay Assessor for the Metropolitan Police Service.
