Skills for Coaching in the workplace for improved individual staff and team performance
What is the Coaching Skills for Managers course about?
Leaders and managers who are skilled at coaching others in the workplace can help staff to maintain the clarity of direction necessary for both effective organisational performance and personal well-being.
This practical and thought provoking Coaching Skills for Managers course is about enhancing your coaching ability and building the confidence required to learn and use a wide range of relevant skills and models designed to achieve the above outcomes.
Who is the Coaching Skills for Managers course for?
Our tailored Business Coaching skills for Managers training programme can be adapted for different levels and job functions from team leaders to senior managers. InterCHANGE will explore the day to day coaching needs in your organization and the range of subjects and areas that leaders and managers tend to focus on when coaching their teams.
From this information we will develop the tailored training based on your specific business requirements.
How will the organisation benefit?
An organisation with a vibrant coaching culture is able to empower staff to find their own solutions, believe in their abilities and ideas and take risks to innovative and seize opportunities.
The ultimate benefit of a strong coaching culture in the workplace is a resilient organisation able to thrive during change and uncertainty.
What will you learn on the course? – a typical course content
You will be able to:
Explore what coaching is and identify coaching opportunities.
Understand and practice the G.R.O.W* coaching process.
Understand and practice the communication cycle.
Enhance your active listening and empathy abilities.
Review and practice a range of questioning techniques.
Give practical positive and developmental feedback.
Understand your own and others preferred way of learning.
Learn and apply approaches to address performance issues and challenging behaviour.
Set learning objectives with staff and how to gain agreement for these.
*GROW – Goals, Reality, Options, Will (way forward)