Influencing skills and persuasion techniques for business
What is the Effective Influencing Skills Training about?
Key to any successful enterprise is being able to influence and motivate people to take positive action – be it volunteering their expertise, buying your products or services, joining your membership or offering financial support. This Influencing skills training course is about equipping you with the skills and confidence to achieve a positive response – “YES I will”!
Influencing others is not about coercing or forcing them to do something that they don’t want to, it’s about encouragement, persuasion and sometimes, in the right situation, a little bit of coaxing.
Great Influencing skills go hand in hand with great negotiation skills.
Who is the Effective Influencing Skills Training for?
Our tailored Influencing skills training course can be adapted for different levels and job functions from team members right through to senior teams. InterCHANGE will discuss the sort of negotiations that go on in your organisation and what sort of influencing needs to take place.
InterCHANGE will discuss with you who wishes to attend the training and what their specific requirements are and then tailor the Effective Influencing Skills Training course for your organisations needs.
How will the organisation benefit?
Your organisation will benefit as your staff learn how to influence and persuade others to say ‘Yes’ to a variety of propositions including: buying products and services, collaborating in team project, joining membership schemes, offering volunteer support or telling others about the positive experience they have had with your organisation. This becomes a virtuous cycle of sustainable growth.
What will you learn on the course? – a typical course content
Understand what influences people, why people say ‘yes’.
Clarify exactly what you are offering/selling – features and benefits.
Create punchy and clear opening statements that encourage positive actions.
Inject excitement and urgency into your pitch.
Develop a voice tone which keeps people interested.
Understand the customer’s needs and motivations.
Apply matching skills to ensure clients are offered appropriate products and services.
Relate service / opportunity to what customer wants to feel.
Overcome barriers and objections to achieve win-win outcomes.
Convert interest into business/concrete outcomes.
Follow up and build long term relationships.
How is this Influencing Skills training delivered?
Classroom / Workshop
One to One Coaching