Boosting creativity, strategic thinking, problems solving, resourcefulness 

What is this Change Management Training course about? 

This Management and Staff Development course is an insightful, empowering and practical training course designed to boost insight, creativity, strategic thinking, planning, performance and problem solving. 
In a world in which we’re often faced with complexity, change, challenges and uncertainty this course helps you step back, gain perspective, perform at your best and find practical ways to move forward. 
The Change Management Training is about supporting managers to respond positively to change and, in turn, encourage their staff to do the same. 
Key to any successful change initiative is that Leaders and managers involve their teams from the outset, keep them informed and encourage their staff to take ownership of the process, Change Management training will help you achieve this. 

Who is this Change Management Training for? 

Our tailored Mind, Maps and Moving Forward Programmes can be adapted for different levels and job functions from team members right through to senior teams. InterCHANGE will discuss who wishes to attend the training and what their specific requirements are. 
This course is ideal for staff, team or leadership development or for working on specific challenges and opportunities. 

How will the organisation benefit? 

People who attend this course repeatedly say they feel energized, have greater clarity of purpose and direction and feel more positive as they travel through times of uncertainty and transition. 

What will you learn on the course? – a typical course content 

Part One: Mind: 
Exercise: map the mind. 
Map your life journey. 
Map your role, goal, players, terrain. 
Logical thinking and planning. 
The mind: delete/distort/generalize. 
Instinct, intuition, inspiration & improvisation. 
The big picture / fresh & other perspectives. 
SWOT map. 
Creative thinking & doing. 
Knowing me, knowing your: strengths / styles. 
Meaning making & problem solving. 
Productivity. Top tips – team exercise. 
Free your mind / full minds and mindfulness. 
At your best – peak performance. 
Visualize – model -mentor-metaphor. 
Part Two: Map: 
Maps, plans, compasses & strategies. 
Map: your role & goals. 
Pinpoint priorities. 
Quicksand, footprints & buried treasure. 
Task, tools, team, terrain & timeframe. 
Team working: on the same page? 
Map out: Complexity / challenges. 
Off the map: Change and uncertainty. 
Space and silence. 
Black sheet.